Graphic Organizers

One of the most recent teaching techniques is to use a visual learning tool known as graphic organizers.Mind maps or graphic organizers sort and organize information such as categories, dates, concepts or sequences of information. They organize thoughts, increase understanding, and help students to remember information with more ease.

There are six basic types of graphic organizers.:

They are: 1) sequential; 2) Compare and contrast; 3) Character and story organizers; 4) cause and effect; 5) Vocabulary Organizers; 6) Note organizers.

Why do they work?

Random facts are quickly lost. However, the brain's ability to store pictures is unlimited. And since the brain likes to chunk information, the graphic organizer complements the way the brain naturally works.

When do they work?

Graphic organizers will be beneficial to students whenever they are given new information. They can be used to sequence, brainstorm and orgainize. During reading and listening students should be encouraged to graphically organize new information.